Whitby: closer to Dracula; further from Trump

I guess we are British snowflakes. I wasn't that into American politics before. I worried that Jimmy Carter was shouldering such a burden it would kill him. I tutted at Bill Clinton's betrayals. I laughed, shamefaced, at jokes about W's  I.Q. I remember practically skipping into our local shop the day Obama was elected; perplexed … Continue reading Whitby: closer to Dracula; further from Trump

Does anyone have time to blog?

Fearlessness. That's what's required. The compulsive need to squeeze another task into the lycra pants of time. This is to remind me of the time when I remembered things for more than one day. I can read it and think: Crikey. Did I do that? I have no memory of it. At all. Fancy that. Quick … Continue reading Does anyone have time to blog?